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Gurney Plaza

Gurney Plaza is strategically located along the popular Gurney Drive promenade in Penang, Gurney Plaza is situated in one of the prime real estate areas on the island. Opened in July 2001, the nine-storey Gurney Plaza has undergone regular asset enhancement initiatives and today, it is widely recognised as the leading premier regional lifestyle shopping mall in the Northern region, and the preferred destination for shopping, dining and entertainment under one roof catering to both locals and tourists.

Please visit www.gurneyplaza.com.my for more information.

Property Information

  • Tenure
  • Independent valuation(1)
    RM1,690.0 million
  • Acquisition Price
    RM1,015.0 million(2)
  • Gross floor area(3)
    1,253,314 sq ft
  • Number of car park bays(3)
  • Net lettable area(4)
    877,551 sq ft
  • Number of leases(4)
  • Committed occupancy rate(4)
  • Shopper traffic for 2023
    18.1 million
  1. Based on the valuations as at 31 December 2023 commissioned by MTrustee, trustee of CLMT.
  2. Equals to RM800.0 million for Gurney Plaza and RM215.0 million for Gurney Plaza Extension.
  3. As at 31 December 2023.
  4. As at 30 June 2024.