Home / Our Portfolio / Sungei Wang Plaza

Sungei Wang Plaza

Sungei Wang Plaza, which translates as ‘the river of gold', opened in 1977 and is one of the most popular shopping centres in Kuala Lumpur's prime shopping and commercial precinct – the ‘Golden Triangle' – an area that comprises three bordering streets, namely Jalan Bukit Bintang, Jalan Sultan Ismail and Jalan Imbi.

A one-stop shopping centre ‘for all kinds of everything', the 11-storey Sungei Wang Plaza is well-known for its unique blend of specialty stores, entertainment outlets that appeals to the mass market, with vibrant and energetic lifestyle zones catering to the young and young-at-heart shoppers. Being strategically located in the Bukit Bintang shopping precinct, it also commands strong patronage from local and international tourists.

Please visit www.sungeiwang.com for more information.

Property Information

  • Tenure
  • Independent valuation(1)
    RM430.0 million
  • Acquisition Price
    RM724.0 million
  • Gross floor area(2)
    511,103 sq ft

    (equals to 47,483 sq m, representing approximately 61.9% of the total strata floor area of retail parcels of Sungei Wang Plaza)
  • Net lettable area(3)
    414,374 sq ft
  • Number of leases(3)
  • Committed occupancy rate(3)
  • Shopper traffic for 2023
    16.6 million
  1. Based on the valuations as at 31 December 2023 commissioned by MTrustee, trustee of CLMT.
  2. As at 31 December 2023.
  3. As at 30 June 2024.